Qué clase de detective deberÃas ser en Disco Elysium: The Final Cut

Forget what you know about being a detective. That’s right, leave your trench coat and magnifying glass behind. We want you to invent your own detective in Disco Elysium – The Final Cut and give you the chance at the character creation screen. The game launches on PS5 and PS4 March 30.
There are four attributes to take into consideration here:
Intellect: brain powerPsyche: emotional intelligencePhysique: raw strengthMotorics: agility
Should you prioritize being smart" Or is it better to be physically tough" Perhaps both at the expense of social awareness" It’s not an easy decision to make, especially in a game like ours which cuts off certain options and opens up others based on your skill levels.
If you find yourself overwhelmed, we’ve provided three archetypes so you don’t have to create a character from scratch. Each archetype provides a unique journey through Disco Elysium so it’s just a case of figuring out which you prefer.
Olvida lo que sabes sobre ser un detective. Asà es, deja tu gabardina y tu lupa atrás. Queremos que concibas tu propio detective en Disco Elysium: The Final Cut y darte la oportunidad en la pantalla de creación de personaje.
Hay cuatro aptitudes que tener en cuenta:
Intelecto – capacidad intelectualPsique – inteligencia emocionalConstitución – fuerza brutaMotricidad – agilidad
¿DeberÃas priorizar ser inteligente" ¿O serÃa mejor ser fu...
Fuente: Playstation
URL: http://blog.es.playstation.com
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